Pumps for the dairy and general food industry
Packo has unrivalled experience in this sector. We have developed the first milk pumps for the dairy industry and have continuously improved them with our customers. Although the industry puts high demands on the cleanability of the pumps, the standards are far exceeded by Packo. The basis for this is a well-considered design and the standard application of electropolishing as a final surface treatment.
Packo got the first EHEDG certificate already in 1995 and has also a range of 3A certified pumps.
Typical applications:
Milk, whey, curd, brine, yeast, blood, CIP, etc

Pumps for collection, storage & unloading (of milk)
The time factor and, consequently, efficiency play an important role in the collection and unloading of milk. Both during milk collection and when unloading the milk at the dairy, you want to reduce the waiting times for the driver as much as possible so that the truck can return to the farm as quickly as possible.
With the RMO series Packo offers a tailor-made pump for milk collection trucks. This pump can be equipped with a hydraulic or electric motor.
In addition, it has a low NPSH value, high efficiency, high flow rate and low noise level. The ideal partner to collect and unload milk.
Discover our pumps for collection, storage & unloading (of milk)

Sanitary Pump Series
The Packo sanitary pump series are designed for use in the most demanding hygienic applications in almost all industries such as dairies, breweries, beverage industry, distilleries, etc. They are the ideal solution for filtration applications, pasteurisation, evaporating systems, yeast propagation and for CIP cleaning systems as well.
Max. flow | 1800 m3/h |
Differential head | 220 m wC |

Pumps for pasteurizing
In pasteurisation, and more particularly in the UHT process, you have to deal with higher temperatures in order to destroy the harmful bacteria and microorganisms. The pumps offered for this purpose are therefore suitable to temperatures of up to 140°C.
In order to comply with these high temperatures, special seal configurations are provided to suit operation at boiling point.
In addition to the standard 1935/2004 EC certificate, several pumps have EHEDG and 3A certificates. The safety of your dairy is therefore guaranteed, especially thanks to the perfect cleanability of the pumps.

Pumps for filtration
Under filtration you will find applications such as ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis and nanofiltration.
A typical application is the filtration of whey. Whey protein is one of the two proteins found in milk and can be extracted using filtration technology to be used in food supplements and added to, for instance, soft drinks and sports drinks.
Increasing the production capacity plays a major role in this, which is why Packo is responding by offering hygienic pumps with a high flow rate of up to 1800 m³/h with an extremely high efficiency and therefore the lowest possible energy consumption.
These are applications in which a high system pressure is created. Packo also has a range of pumps at its disposal, which can operate at a system pressure of up to 40 bar.
Here, too, several pumps have EHEDG and 3A certificates in addition to the standard 1935/2004 EC certificate.

Pumps for evaporation
The evaporation of milk is mainly carried out to produce, among other things, powdered milk and condensed milk. The milk is systematically thickened in several steps by extracting as much moisture as possible from the liquid. This is done at higher temperatures and under continuous vacuum. In this application cavitation can occur, Packo pumps responds by offering pumps with the lowest available NPSH on the market.
Correct selection of the mechanical seal (resistant to vacuum and higher temperatures) is of the utmost importance to guarantee the reliability of the system.
Food safety also plays a major role here, as a result of which several pumps also have EHEDG and 3A certificates in addition to the standard 1935/2004 EC certificate.

Pumps for CIP/SIP
A good CIP installation in a dairy is necessary in order to guarantee a high level of hygiene and thus product safety. Packo pumps offers a high-performance range of CIP forward and CIP return pumps that help to ensure a perfectly cleanable system.
The air handling pumps of the CRP & CRP+ series are the ideal CIP return pumps. These air handling pumps are 3A certified. This way, you can be sure that food safety will never be compromised in your process.
We also offer special mechanical seals in these series to protect the pump during dry-running.

Pumps for waste water treatment
Typical applications are for example, waste water from CIP or cleaning water from tanks, lorries, etc.
The water can be contaminated with sand, curd remains, etc. Pump series with specially equipped vortex impellers are available to offer a clog-free solution.
All pumps we offer for this purpose are manufactured in stainless steel with an industrial finish. In this way, we offer a robust, reliable and corrosion-resistant solution to the sometimes aggressive waste water.