'Technological progress needs people who question the existing, again and again' Andries Verder
Innovation needs a daring spirit
The story of Verder is a story that proves: Within the small lies the potential to develop into something truly great, provided that founding spirit, courage, innovative thinking and a forward-looking entrepreneurial mindset work together in the best possible way and that there is a common motivation, to which the company remains committed over the decades.
At Verder, this inner motivation is the founder family's core commitment to the development of technological innovations on one hand, and solving customer problems on the other, thus enabling the success of its customers.
Since its founding by passionate entrepreneur André Verder, this concern has been a thread running through the company's history.
Back in time
When the company began operations more than 60 years ago as a supplier of pumps for industrial applications, it was clear to André: technology knows no boundaries in spirit, nor does it know geographical borders. Step by step, he laid the foundation for the internationalization of his company and made the bold decision, for those times, to expand into Eastern Europe. At the same time, the visionary set the course for the continuous development of the company – from a pure distributor to one of the most respected, innovative, and courageous technology producers in the world.
The typical mix of customer orientation, process understanding and know-how that André thus gave the family business as its DNA remained at the heart of Verder after his son Andries took over the company management in 2005. The group was aligned along two strategic pillars: Verder Scientific and Verder Liquids. In this way, customer focus was further improved. The product portfolio grew steadily in both business units, reaching a new level of customer awareness. In addition to sustained organic growth, the group began to expand its business activities into meaningful, strategically important areas through company formations and acquisitions. With Pindustry, Verder finally gained a third business unit, which invests with foresight in new, promising technologies for the near future.