MADE IN NL: Verder no. 1 in the top-100 Dutch manufacturing industry

Verder has been elected by Management Team as the number 1 in the Dutch top-100 manufacturing industry. The first edition of the top-100 was published in 2013. At that time Verder ranked at number 3. In the years that followed, Verder was always in the top 4. Now, in 2018, Verder is at the top of the list!

This ranking is published annually by the Dutch magazine Management Team, listing the 100 most successful Dutch manufacturing companies with a turnover of  less then 500 million Euros. Manufacturers that are financially stable, achieve healthy growth and take Dutch industry to a higher level with innovative products are choosen for this list. 

Verder was selected based on the following criteria: turnover, average revenue growth, profit growth and return on investment in the past five years.

Verder focuses on innovation and technology and offering customer solutions. Started as a trading company in 1959, the number of own products has grown considerably over the years. In addition to expanding the product lines pumps and laboratory equipment for the Scientific division, Verder also acquired companies such as Retsch, Carbolite Gero, and the last acquisition: Qness. In 2014, the Liquids division of the Verder Groep acquired the Italian company Microdos and in 2015 the pumps manufacturers Ponndorf (German) and Packo (Belgian). By creating partnerships with producers and a dynamic own R&D, Verder also gives an extra impulse to market penetration.

The Verder Group still is a family business, based on the core values ​​which it was founded on: integrity, respect, with the emphasis on human rights, honesty and ecological sustainability. The company continues its tradition of technical excellence, finds innovative solutions to existing problems and forges new ways and anticipates to the problems of the future.

Andries Verder, CEO of the Verder Group: "The lines between manufacturer and distributor will be shortened. These changes require a complete revision of the organizational structures as we have known them up to now. It also offers great opportunities for internationally organized companies.

IT and "Industry 4.0" obviously play a very important role in this change process, but the road to the way of working in the future cannot be achieved without a focus on organizational structures.

We see a clear trend where customers are better informed and look for suppliers that are objective in their selection of technologies. It is the Verder Group's mission to have all possible know-how in niche market technologies in the field of manufacturing, in order to offer customers real solutions ".