Filter press paint pigment


VF65 pumps paint pigment to a filter press. The paint is pressed to produce a powder which is lighter and cheaper to ship. This pump is used without a frequency inverter and always runs at full speed controlled by a timer.


Paint pigment is very abrasive, causing wear issues with previous pump. Bidirectional pumping is useful to clear infrequent line blockages. The viscous paint causes significant friction losses and a high working pressure.


The VF65 is abrasion resistant - hose life is not determined by the pumped liquid. Hose pumps are reversible and work at up to 15 bar. The only paint contact part is the easily changed hose, which has a typical life of over one year.

Customer's benefits:

  • Reduced water content - saving on shipping costs
  • Elimination of abrasive wear downtime
  • Pumps highly viscous pigment solution without problems
  • Bi-directional pumping